Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The truth about truth

'There is your point and the other person's point; who can we believe? The truth can have many faces', I heard from the other side of the phone. 

No. Truth cannot have many faces. Because truth is based on facts and facts are indisputable. Not being fully - or at all - aware of something does not mean that this does not exist. 
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."Sir Winston Churchill


  1. There are two totally different philosophical schools of thought on this. One says like you say that there is one truth and it is our duty to discover it (i.e. realism) and the other is that we cannot have an objective view on reality as the observer affects or changes the observed - the cat of Shcroedinger might be the most famous thought experiment here. So we can speak of multiple realities that co-exist than one and only authoritarian reality (which is coerced by one dominant ideology anyhow...).

  2. N.L., thank you for ready my thoughts and sharing your comments :)

    I have the feeling that we often include perceptions, assumptions, beliefs, interpretations into the meaning of Truth (or reality).
    From that sense, yes, many truths can co-exist. My interpretation of things is my truth.
    I tend to differentiate truth (factual, based on unbiased data and/or observations) with subjective reality. The first one is my obligation as coach to bring it to the conversation with my clients. The later, it my obligation to respect and explore.
