Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hidden Treasures

Six months ago a friend found the most beautiful chest during a walk around the streets of Athens. We were sharing the story today with another friend over coffee when I said to them “this is a city full of hidden treasures; let’s go discover some!”

And so we went and we entered those narrow streets away from the crowds. 
We were stopping and admiring the facades and balconies of the old neoclassical buildings, the ones that you have to look up to see the magnificent of their beauty. We found colorful graffiti occupying the surface of the lowered shutters of the closed shops. We run into amazing little shops with all kinds of treasure, like the one with a space covered with all kind of lamp, of any size, color, shape and style.

In our mind we were feeling joyful with the discoveries of the hidden treasures of the beloved city and the treasure of our friendship. In our heart we were skeptical, sad and angry at the same time with the harsh reality of the homeless making their temporary shelters in doorways and other recesses of the buildings to spend the night.

All these feelings and emotions that emerge by being present and connected were trying to find their inner balance once again.

Note to self: 
Never lose the connection to reality no matter how painful it is. Use the power of gratitude for all the good that is in your life to change that reality.  

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