Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to ... life?

One of my favorite rituals in the morning includes three things: coffee, tablet and Zite. Every morning with the company of the smell and taste of a freshly made hot coffee, I get my tablet, open the app and screen my top stories (articles); some are saved to be read later and some immediately depending on the available time. 
As I was browsing the stories today, enjoying the rare luxury of a lazy morning, I found myself once again reading titles about x ways to become happier, z things to eat to become healthier, y tips to become more productive, and so many more. Hints, tips and hacks on how to live our life. Everything for our success, for the ultimate (?) pursuit of happiness. 
I checked a couple of them, one was about nine tips to have a happier weekend (I thought it was very appropriate as the weekend was just starting). It made me wonder. All these tips were common sense to me. Have we forgotten how to live? Do we need someone to tell us what used to make sense to do in a weekend? The second was (again) obvious strategies to follow to become an early riser "like all the successful people". 
I felt depressed. Have we - the civilized - reached that moment in our lives that we need to be given the once obvious guidelines on how to live? 
I begun reflecting on all the articles about 'how to become more creative', 'how to improve our performance', 'how to sell more', how to be more, do more and earn more, adding - oh the irony - on top of that articles about how to have less stress! 

In a life when being "successful" has become mandatory, it is no wonder that we have forgotten how to live. That we need guidelines for our weekends to just chill. 

The sad part is that maybe we have been engaged in a frantic pursuit of success, overachievers to do, be and have more.
The good part is that we have the opportunity to redefine what success is, what is it exactly that we need to be, do and have more, and to realize that true happiness is closer (and easier) than we think. 

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