Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Pause In The Air

Leaving for another business trip, I was all stressed and worried. Finishing arrangements of the things left behind, making sure everything is set for the things awaiting at destination, juggling obligations, preparations, time and agendas. 

Two hours before my flight, all I wanted was to pause for 5 minutes and breath. Press the pause button and stop the time, stop the motion, stop the worries. But I had a suitcase to pack and a plane to catch.
Then, two and a half hours later a magical thing happened; something I very rarely do: I pressed the pause button. I put my handbag at the closet and let it there with all the files, the papers, and the notes. I laid back, closed my eyes and let myself surrender to the absolute nothing. No in-flight entertainment, no music, no work, no reading. Nothing. Allowing my body and my brain to enjoy the ride at 36000 feet altitude making it my own empty space.

It was a short flight, just 3:40 hrs. But, it was a great flight of a 250 minutes pause interrupted only by the note of this short text at my new toy, sorry business tool called tablet J