Friday, April 18, 2014

On Secret Dreams

“What is your secret dream?” asked the actress her co-protagonist in a movie.
“You know”, she continued, “the secret you only reveal after consuming a sufficient amount of alcohol”.

Their dialogue continued but I was already lost in my thoughts. Why have a secret dream? Secret from whom?

We keep dreams secret not from others, but from ourselves. It’s our own judgment that we are afraid of. We are either intimidated by the power our dreams can have, or we want to spare ourselves the frustration of not accomplishing them. Oh, there is also the belief we might have grown up with: that dreams do not come true; they belong to fairy tales.

What is left then? If we do not confess our dreams not even to ourselves, if we keep them so secret that not even we can know them, then how are we supposed to go after them? How are we supposed to live a happy, fulfilling life?

Martin Luther King's, Jr. speech and actions were about his dream. What would have happened if that had been a secret dream?
“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” (Carl Sandburg)
Dare to dream. And dare to dream loudly. Let your dreams be known to others but most importantly to yourself. Talk confidently about them and surrender to the direction they will take you. 

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