Monday, April 14, 2014

Ability vs Willingness

“Why don’t you change that phrase into ‘the seed that you will sow’?”, asked my friend – aka support structure for this blog – regarding the last sentence of a recent post. “I think ‘will’ is more positive than ‘can’ ”, she added.

She is right. What you "will" do sounds more positive than what you "can" do. But here is the thing: my aim wasn't to make it more positive. When I ask "what can you do", I am acknowledging that there are things that can be done, I am acknowledging your ability to act. The purpose was to make the reader reflect precisely from that perspective.

I believe that each one of us has potential and unique abilities. There are countless things, little things that we can do daily. Tiny seeds that we can sow and watch them grow.
It’s not our ability that is missing; it’s the awareness of and confidence in that ability. 

So I am making the question again: What can you do? 

Commit to finding the answer. And once you have it, decide how willing you are to actually do it.

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