Monday, March 10, 2014

Riding Waves

I have a strategy when I want to develop something, that may sound  peculiar to some.

When I wanted to increase my ability to trust and be able to surrender, I went skydiving. I have always had a fear of heights, by the way. But that did not stop me when I approached the door to step out of the aircraft and just surrender to trust - for my trainer, equipment and the absolute void of the clouds and gravity (it was a cloudy day).

 photo by 
Ioannis Vlachiotis

  When I found out that I needed to cultivate strategic thinking – something I had pretty much always neglected – I spent hours observing chess players during my holidays. The importance of each move and its projection in the future – the next moves, and the pursued victory.

I think it was 3 years ago that I heard Harrison Owen talking about the Leader as a Wave Rider. In short, how to cooperate with the primal force of self-organization thereby utilizing its power to achieve genuine High Performance for our organizations and ourselves.

I am often fascinated with the perception of ourselves as wave riders. It goes beyond organizations and performances. Think about how many times we have experienced our feelings coming over us like waves, that we were unable to stop and which we have to learn how to ride, choose which one to surf.

Next action to develop my wave riding ability: Surfing! And with spring on its way, what could be better than that? 
Photo: Nick Law

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