Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Misfortunes

Waking up this morning I discovered what could be considered for me a disaster: no internet connection, landline dead, I was unable to access a business email account; even tethering wasn’t working! All I had left was my smartphone and a 3G connection.

Ironically, for today’s post, I intended to write something about the importance of decluttering and ‘less-ness’, after a long to-do list of tasks I’d had to do, all of which depended on technology.

Our response to any situation is a matter of perspective. One perspective was that this day was a disaster, that nothing was working (still doesn’t), feel depressed, panic and stress more.
I went for the other perspective: that maybe the universe was sending me a sign to have a day with less running, less tasks, less technology and more breathing. Once I had quickly made arrangements for the urgent obligations of the day, I accepted the opportunity with gratitude. A walk outside, a nap, meditation, slowly sipping a hot cup of tea and the silence of the phone are making this day priceless. 

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