Thursday, February 24, 2011

The transient nature of appearance

Every morning when I get up, I go to the living room window and check out the view. I have a nice view of Mount Parnitha and every day I observe the mountain to be different: Two days ago, the fog gave it a mysterious air. Yesterday, the sun was emphasizing its shape . Today the heavy rain made it invisible. Another day, the clouds or the snow make it seem so different.

If each day something as static as a mountain can give a different impression and still in our consciousness it is always there, always the same, then what about people? We have our own storms, our sunny days, our fogs that can come and go… does this alter who we are? How hard is it to give someone the benefit of the doubt because of a rainy day? 


  1. Never judge a book by its cover.

  2. The only constant is change...

    Things change.. yes even mountains erode or get taller with time because of geological reasons... and they may appear different for dermatological reasons. In fact the whole universe is accelerating in its expansion.

    Humans change far faster... if you ask something from someone when his/her day is bad he/she will be negative. Ask the same thing another day and he/she will be positive. Same person, different response.. interesting.

    Are YOU the same person every day? I know I am not.

    And because I realize the mutable nature of humans, I always give the benefit of doubt before I judge....

    You know how they say "NEVER GIVE UP", well if you never give up on yourself, why should you give up on others easily? I do not.
    This requires from YOU extreme patience...

    If they seem strange, I give them time... and give them space. They might turn around. You never know. As long as I am sure that I am doing the best that I can at every moment.. then.. its all ok.

    While your blog is called stigmes "moments" the real understanding of nature comes through understanding TIME... because time is the fourth dimension... and along with space it forms one thing called spacetime. Seen from hyperspace time would be visible and you could see all past and all probable futures.... THEN you could perhaps have a better position to judge... but since I have no way to see hyperspace.. I remain humble and still and quiet. We are creatures trapped in a limited perception... we can only feel that extra dimension with intuition and clarity of heart -KenS

  3. Dermatological???.. darn auto-spelling! I meant > climatological! lol

  4. I do the same every morning. For a long time I thought that change is not my area of expertise. Guess what, it is not true, despite our habits and redundancy we make small steps every day.
    Key is to enjoy this;)

  5. Thanks for your interesting comments KenS.
    You say "change", I say evolve, grow, develop.
    The benefit of the doubt that came to my mind the Moment I was looking once again the same (yet different) view, is about the ever transient nature of Appearance, consequently the Impression, and that this doesn't mean the transiency of the deeper being (the core identity) of the person.
    We grow by developing our potential that was and always will be there and is always the same. Still, even in our best evolving process, we have our rainy or foggy days. Should we be judged by those? You gave an answer and a process ;-)
