Monday, August 4, 2014

A Break and Four Lessons

Halfway through July, I had to take a break from blogging.
I was not without inspiration or time. I had at least the same amount of available time as before. I had successfully completed 6 months of my project of daily blogging, I was half-way to my goal, and ideas kept flowing inside my head.
What happened then?

The very important priority of care (for oneself and others) happened. After overcoming the initial guilt of not following through with my commitment – a nightmare for someone who values integrity enormously – I decided to see the opportunity of what this situation was teaching me.

So, after the inspiring lessons of the first 31 days, here are my very useful lessons of a necessary break:

Lesson 1
We can do anything we decide to do.
One of the things we must consider though is the price, the sacrifices. What is the price of a certain commitment? What will we need to let go, neglect, or forget during that time? Is the outcome worth the price? 

Lesson 2 
Commitment and flexibility do not go hand in hand. 
Once we have committed to something we cannot afford flexibility. So before starting, before committing, examine how important flexibility is for you, what kind of flexibility you would like to have, and how you can adjust the commitment. 

Lesson 3
Habits do not last. At least not in my case.
Throughout my life I have had many different habits depending on the place where I was living, the work I was doing, the hobbies I had. None of them lasted. 
After 6 months of the daily habit of blogging, writing had not become an automatic behavior or routine. 

Lesson 4
Make self-care a priority.
It's ok not to do something if this contradicts self-care. In this case, it is not about flexibility, it is about sustainability.

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