Thursday, July 10, 2014

Things I Am Thankful For - Today

Yesterday, as part of a game-chain on facebook, I had been “nominated” by a colleague to post three positive things for the next 5 days.
Now, I do not like chains and I hate to follow such games. I can see their value in some cases, but I prefer the spontaneity of posting freely without rules. Plus, lately I've become irritated with the “P” word (positive – positivity).

As a polite person I accepted the challenge, also seeing the fun part of it. For one day. Letting aside any ideas and opinions I have about chains, I do not want to post three positive things about my day. I can post countless things for which I am grateful.

So, here is my list of things for which I am grateful, thankful and positive today:
  1. I am alive.
  2. I can get out of bed, I can walk and I can run.
  3. I can make decisions and have control over my career.
  4. I can breathe. This basic function that we execute 12-20 times per minute and take for granted, with which we come to life.
  5. I can see. The first time I tried contact lenses I said excited “so, that is how people see!”.
  6. The ability to control my emotions and my mood. Anyone having any kind of experience or knowledge of depression, bipolar and other mental health issues can understand how grateful one can feel not to be in the mercy of any of these.
  7. I am lucky to still enjoy the presence of my parents.
  8. I left a hospital today with a smile. First time these past years.
  9. My nieces are healthy.
  10. I have a roof over my head.
  11. I have control over my body.
  12. I can sing and I can dance and I do not care if I am bad at singing.
  13. My wonderful loving friends.
  14. The people in my life, people that I admire and who are my role models.
  15. My mistakes.
  16. My work.
  17. The smell of the fresh coffee in the morning.
  18. Summer, my favorite season.
  19. Blue skies.
  20. The sea, calm or rough.
  21. My memories, good or bad.
  22. Art; Any kind of art, for the beauty of it.
  23. The smile of random faces in the street.
  24. The unexpected offering of a young neuroscientists's help with an article I am writing.
  25. The sound of crickets.
  26. That I can make plans and dream.
  27. That I love.
  28. That I am loved. 


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