Monday, January 24, 2011


For me the expression “falling in love” has a totally literal meaning, as this is what I do: I completely let myself fall. And not only in love but in all kinds of relationships. I throw myself into the job I am doing, into the new hobby, and into the new people in my life.
It goes with out saying that most of the times the landing is not as gentle as expected. Of course I crash and then I have to recover and then I fall again, and crash again, and the same over and over…

So, 2 years ago I said to my coach: “Listen, Nicole, I need to find my parachute. I cannot help falling, so at least I should have a parachute!” And that was my assignment for the next two years. Yep, it wasn’t so easy to find. In my quest, I went skydiving last year. I needed to see how it would feel physically to surrender completely – with the safety of the parachute – and at the same time tick one more things off my bucket list.
It was a dead end… After landing the frustration was great. It was so much fun until the parachute opened! So, no solution there. And so I kept searching and thinking.

Then, one morning I woke up and I emailed Nicole: “I got it!!! I know what my parachute is: ME! I am my parachute!” I think I was even more excited by my discovery than Archimedes when he run through the streets naked crying “Eureka!”.
I was my parachute. It was up to me not to crash. I had all the knowledge, the skills, the brains not to let myself crash again.
So, I thought. I forgot the willingness to use them or the spirit and the mentality to do so. You see, for me having any kind of relationship with anyone and anything, involves a level (a very high level) of trust, passion and surrender. I offer myself to whatever and whoever it may be. No reservations, no precautions, nothing. Fully open, honest, to any romantic, friendly or professional relationship. That means I found out with the first chance in practice that this parachute wasn’t working, because I was just not using it. Frustration and back to the quest.

Until last evening driving back home, fast as usual. My quest was over, I had found my answer: I didn’t need any parachute. I didn’t want any parachute.
No life can be lived with protections and precautions. At least no life as I perceive it. The parachute means fear. It feeds the fear. How can I experience everything that is there if I slow myself down? Why should I want to slow down in the first place? Falling is great. Falling is amazing. Falling is life. I fall because I decide to live my life and not hide from it. Because I choose to love even with the risk of being hurt. But, if I don’t let myself be exposed to this risk, how else shall I even have a chance for love?

Not everybody will love us, not everybody will catch us, not everybody will fall with us. But you know something? If they do, it’s going to be a hell of a ride.
After all, with the knowledge now of so many crashes, there is no bad landing. There is only learning and growing, once we decide to see beyond the pain. And that’s what I choose. 


  1. Bravo, very good Katerina ! Two things about falling :
    1. It is good not to have very big expectations about people. ( They are humans, not Gods ! )
    2. “Falling” or to say it in other words “be very passionate about something / someone”, πόρωση in Greek , is very authentic / useful feeling. It helps someone to reach the higher state that is flow :

  2. Beautiful, Katerina. Just beautiful! I love the imagery you have expressed and the evolution in your thinking.

    To be bold, to be unflinching in the face of life and love and the pursuit of our dreams and goals. To live, fully live, and not fear giving over trust and love to another.

    Truly...bravo. Such a lovely thing to read as a start to my day!

  3. Nice article Katerina....ultimately we are all somewhere on a spectrum of vulnerability, this leads to somewhere on a spectrum of fear which leads to somewhere on a spectrum of control. As long as you recognise your position on these spectra - you know where you stand (or fall) - your eyes are open and you can make informed choices based on your feelings. There are many schools of thought based upon the dictum 'Relationship as a path to the self' - so each relationship could be viewed as a new opportunity for furthering self-knowledge. Then relationship becomes part of your own freedom process - not something to be wary of...rather something to be embraced. Jason

  4. Hey Katerina,

    Congratulations. All comes to those who wait (but specially if you don't only wait, but actually get moving)

    Odisseus, from Spain

  5. τι να πω......υπαρχουν 2 αποψεις η λογικη η συναισθηματικη. και η δικη μου.....
    μου αρεσε η δυναμη της εκθεσης της ψυχης και αυτη η εκρηκτικη και δυναμικη σου αποδοση των συναισθηματων αγγιζει και τα δικα μου - του αλλου - αισθηματα. εχεις πετυχει το στοχο σου. ειναι art θα ελεγα. οπως και καθε τι που εκθετει την ψυχη. μου αρεσε γιατι εισαι εσυ και σου ταιριαζει.

    τεχνικα θα ρωταγα γιατι διαλεξες τα αγγλικα? θα υπεθετα 1. πως διοτι ταιριαζει με το "falling in love" πάνω στο οποιο falling στηριζεις και αναπτυσεις την "ψυχη" σου.
    2. θα ηθελες να διαβασει καποιος ξενογλωσος.
    3. να μπορυν να το διαβασουν ολοι σου οι φιλοι ελληνες και ξενοι (αν ξερουν αγγλικα).
    βεβαια στα ελληνικα δεν θα στεκοταν διοτι "falling in love" λεγεται ερωτευομαι -το πεφτω σε ερωτα δεν στεκει. εδω οταν λεμε επεσε στα δυχτια εχει ενοια καπως πονηρη.....- και δεν ειναι ενεργητικο το ερωτευομαι αλλα κατασταση νιρβανας. κατι σαν ευτυχια δεν πεφτεις απλα υπτασαι η επιπλεεις σε πελαγη ευτυχιας ....
    μου αρεσε το project που μου εβαλες.... πως κρινεις την κριτικη μου? (οξυμορον)

  6. Jimser, it's good not to have expectations on anyone. We should not confuse though expectations with intentions. Expectations depend on others. Not so fair to ourselves nor the others ;-) Intentions are ours, they bring our power back and they increase our responsibility for the co-creation of any circumstances.

    I like that you introduce the idea of flow! According to Positive Psychology, flow plays an important role in generating happiness :-)
    "Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity." Now add to this the power of a clear, strong intention and guess the impact ;-)

    Thanks for the comment!

  7. Christine, thank you very much for your comments. Coming from you it means a lot :-)
    In the end, it's nothing more or less than living fearlessly!

  8. Anonymous Jason: "Relationship becomes part of your own freedom process". I love it! I often hear people (single) saying that they prefer their "freedom". We tend to forget that our freedom's worst enemy is ourself. Our our insecurities and fears that stop us from being everything we can be. Live everything we can live.

    Great comments Jason! Thanks :-)

    Here's Brene Brown's speech on vulnerability on TED:

  9. Juan Antonio: ah... the balance between patience and action...

    Gracias mi amigo Odisseus :-)

  10. Great idea to check how it felt physically to surrender completely. Even better to discover once the parachute opens the fun is over 

  11. Στέφανε, συγχώρεσέ μου την καθυστερημένη απάντηση.
    Σε ευχαριστώ για την ... κριτική σου. "Ανατροφοδότηση" θα έλεγα εγώ ;-)

    Η γλώσσα με διάλεξε μάλλον, δεν τη διάλεξα. Προέκυψε με τα πρώτα κείμενα μετά από συζητήσεις με μη ελληνόφωνο φίλο. Κι έτσι οι σκέψεις αιωρούνταν στο μυαλό μου στα αγγλικά, μέχρι που βγήκαν.
    Ταυτόχρονα, αν και αισθάνομαι ενοχικά να μη γράφω στην γλώσσα μου - και μου είναι και πολύ πιο εύκολο να εκφραστώ σε αυτή - η χρήση της αγγλικής επιτρέπει να μοιράζομαι τις στιγμές μου με τους μη ελληνόφωνες φίλους μου, οι οποίοι ήταν στήριγμα σημαντικό στη ζωή μου και συνοδοιπόροι τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια.

    Σχετικά με τον έρωτα τώρα, όντως, στα ελληνικά δεν έχει νόημα να "πέσεις". Εμείς τον έχουμε να μας κάνει να "πετάμε στα ουράνια", να "επιπλέουμε σε πελάγη ευτυχίας" και αλλες υπέροχες ταξιδιάρικες και ονειρικές καταστάσεις, στις οποίες εντούτοις υπάρχει πάντα ο κίνδυνος της πτώσης (μετά το πέταγμα, την αιώρηση).

  12. Gracias Ana! Yes, the fun was over, that's why I told my instructor that I should better not jump alone. Wasn't sure I would remember to open it, hehe...

  13. Great article Katerina, hearty thoughts, amazing are lucky because you have the ability and you created the expectations to read this to the end, not long though. Rare to expose your feelings that way and keep people smiling and wondering how life rewards...

  14. Hello Katerina, ακόμα δεν κατάφερα να κάνω βουτιά... μάλλον φοβάμαι αρκετά!Η απόλαυση δεν τελειώνει με το που ανοίξει το αλεξίπτωτο απλώς μετά απολαμβάνεις την στιγμή...
    The Mind is like a parachute it works best when opened

